Opportunity Class Special Course


The Opportunity Test Special Course (OCSC) is a course package designed to prepare students in Year 3 and Year 4 for the academically rigorous Opportunity Placement Exam

As part of OCSC, students will complete three subjects: Rocket Maths®, Reading Heroes® and Thinking Skills . Each of these subjects will equip students with the skills needed to prepare them for the OC exam, and beyond, in their future education.

For new Ingenious Academy students:

To enrol your child into the OCSC, they must be in Year 3 or Year 4

For existing Ingenious Academy students

Current students who are enrolled in either one or more of the following courses (Rocket Maths®, Reading Heroes® and Thinking Skills) can enrol into OCSC. Note that enrolment into the OSCS will increase a student's subject load.

Frequently Asked Questions about OC

What are Opportunity Classes?

Opportunity classes (OC) are classes located at selected government primary schools, that cater towards academically talented Year 5 and Year 6 students. In OC classes, students are given the opportunity to work on extended material with peers of similar ability. 

Who can enrol into Opportunity Classes? Should I enrol my child?

All Year 4 students are eligible for enrolment into an OC through the OC placement test. In deciding whether or not your child should enrol, it is important to consider your child’s personality and academic performance. The OC will benefit students who need to be challenged and thrive in a competitive atmosphere. 

What is the Opportunity Class placement test?

The OC placement test is a rigorous exam required for admission into OC. In 2021, the Opportunity class placement test will change, with the topics tested being: 

  • English (Reading Comprehension) 
  • Mathematical Reasoning 
  • Thinking Skills

Course Package

Rocket Maths®

For Mathematical Reasoning 

Rocket Maths®  is our fun and exciting maths course that teaches mental math techniques and their application to real-life problems. The aim of Rocket Maths® is to grow your child’s confidence in maths as well as their speed and efficiency in solving questions. As part of the  Rocket Maths® course, students will:

  • Learn a variety of mental math concepts and techniques ranging from Multiplication and Division to Algebra and Probability
  • Apply learned concepts and techniques in real-life situations such as money maths and problem solving
  • Develop their ability to think logically and reason mathematically
  • Trial tests to gauge the overall performance and to improve the exam skills

Reading Heroes

For Reading and Language Convention

Reading Heroes® is our exciting language course that aims to develop strong and capable readers. In Reading Heroes®, students will cover the key language conventions, ranging from spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and comprehension. As part of the course, students will:

  • Read a variety of texts ranging from persuasive texts to poetry and letters
  • Expand their vocabulary and understanding with weekly vocabulary exercises
  • Strengthen their confidence in spelling, grammar, punctuation and comprehension skills
  • Trial tests to gauge the overall performance and to improve the exam skills

Thinking Skills

For Reasoning and Critical Thinking 

Thinking Skills is our unique course designed to develop a student’s critical thinking, problem-solving and reasoning skills. In this course, students will exercise their brains as they are exposed to a variety of questions and scenarios designed to test their critical thinking ability. As part of the Thinking Skills course, students will:

  • Learn skills such as analysing information, thinking critically and reasoning
  • Practice their critical thinking skills across a wide variety of scenarios and examples
  • Develop confidence in solving various problems
  • Trial tests to gauge the overall performance and to improve the exam skills

Trial Tests

Weekly OC Mock Trial Tests

As part of the OCSC course package, students will conduct weekly OC trial tests (digital/on paper) to further develop their skills and confidence

  • Each week, students will have a trial test for questions across Mathematical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension and Thinking Skills.
  • Accordingly, students will receive detailed, personalised feedback at the end of each test.
  • The trial tests are carefully created to mimic difficulty and latest style of the actual  OC exam. They are designed to give students the confidence they need for the real exam.

FREE (no obligation) Parents Information Session for Opportunity Class & Selective Exams 2025 – Entry via Registration only!
Highly recommended for parents of students in Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5.
Registration link: https://ingenious-academy.com/parents-information/

Please do not call us during our classroom hours. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.