Our Motto

“Create A Life Time Love
for Mathematics and Discover
the Genius in your Child”

“Enhance your child’s
Imagination and
Memory skills by
Advancing their
Arithmetic skills (KG to Year 4)”

“Learn our “Rocket Maths (Vedic Maths)”
course and become master in
Arithmetic Calculations“ in
6-8 months (Grade 5 to Grade 9)”

Mission Statement

Mathematics Made Easy with ABACUS
Make Arithmetics a Fun Math for Kids.

With our 100% focus and personal attention on each individual student we guarantee that every student fully understands the technique of using Abacus tool and is extremely confident with mathematics.

We will make every effort to turn the dream of every parent i.e.”Child talking Maths at home rather than running away from it :-)” into a reality.
